Monday, December 14, 2009

Eating Habits Die Hard

With today's media pouring fast food and diet advertisements down our throat, people don't realize that there is much more to a meal then the actual food. "You are what you eat" but you are also where, when and how. Not only does the actual food affect one's body but the time at which one eats and how one eats. Though not nearly as detrimental, the way in which one ingests food also has an affect on one's health. Though people in America don't realize it, how much, how, and when one eats all have affects on one's health and should be considered just as much as what one eats.

When one thinks of a proper diet they think about what to eat, not when. Bear Grills, from Discovery Channels Man vs. Wild suggests, "It is important to eat little and often". Though he is in a extreme survival situation the advice given can be applied to everyday life and still have positive results. Instead of eating two or three large meals a day one should spread it out and eat in regular intervals to keep their metabolism running at a good pace. "You can eat as many times a day as you want, as long as you stay within your calorie range," says Christine Gerbstadt, M.D., R.D., spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. It is recommended to eat close to 6 meals a day most of them being snacks as long as one doesn't exceed their calorie limit. For a good meal schedule click here.

There are many benefits to regularly eating small meals throughout the day. Eating small meals every two hours keeps sugar levels high and the metabolism running at a high rate. Since the brain needs glucose to function this keeps one sharp and alert. Along with the added brain power one has more stamina. With a faster metabolism one can start the day with more ease, keep themselves going throughout the day, and even lose weight faster. So, in stead of eating just breakfast, lunch and dinner one should eat small snacks throughout the day with larger meals in between to keep themselves smart, fit, productive and healthy.

Small snacks are good but its the larger meals that make the difference between a healthy weight and obesity. With the increase in competition and workloads in our demanding society one rarely takes the time to schedule their meals, let alone take the time to sit down and savor them. While eating one large meal, quickly, and right before bed may seem like the most efficient way, it will cause the body to hold on to everything it has and gain weight. Our bodies are not meant to process large amounts of food at one time. Digestion consumes a lot of energy and a large meal will leave one feeling groggy and tired and ultimatly slow down the metabolism. Not only does the slower metabolism make it harder for one's body to rid it's self of excess, it also makes it hard to keep active leading to further weight gain. According to Joseph Scherger, M.D "It takes 20 minutes for your brain to process the feeling of fullness". With such a long response time one is likely to overeat and further put themselves at a disadvantage before they even realize it. If people were to take the time and eat at a steady, slow pace and enjoy their food they would live a happier, healthier lifestyle.

A crucial part to this happier, healthier lifestyle is to start the day off right and the best way to do so is by having a healthy breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for good reasons. After a long nights sleep the body is deprived of water, sugar and nutrients. Not only does a good breakfast help replenish the body, it sets the tone for the rest of the day. If one is to eat healthy early, they are more likely to follow that trend and make healthier choices later in the day. It also prevents them from over eating later due to the lack of hunger. Breakfast sets the metabolism for the day and can help one stay awake and alert. Although there may not seem so due to time contraints during the morning rush, breakfast is still the most important meal of the day and should not be taken lightly.

Since breakfast is the most important meal, it is important to keep it healthy. Although sugary cereals and pastries like Fruit loops and Toaster Strudel seem easy because of the media push and sheer abundance, one should stay away from them. The sugar and empty calories in them in them will leave one hungry, dazed and tired just a few hours later. These sugary breakfasts provide the body with a quick spike in energy followed by a drop. This leaves the consumer hungry, tired and worse off then before. Contrary to popular belief essential nutrients are just as easy to acquire as A Box of Fruit Loops. A healthier choice would be cheerios, or whole grain bread, just something containing whole grains which are high in fiber. Fiber, along with protein will keep one satiated until lunchtime. Protein can be found in any many comon breakfast foods, such as eggs, bacon, or even milk. Fiber is even easier to find, the most common source thought of is whole grains, but it can also be found in fruits, such as apples and pears. The optimum breakfast is the European one consisting of fruit, yogurt, and cold cuts. As long as one has fiber and protein in their breakfast, he will stay satiated and make better food choices throughout the day.

The benefits of a good breakfast are almost miraculous. Although one may skip breakfast in an attempt to lose weight, it may just lead to more gain. Studies show that those who eat breakfast regularly often weigh less then those who don't. in other studies it is shown that children who eat breakfast have an easier time concentrating in school. If breakfast can help a child in school, not only would it help one feel better and more energetic but increase one's productivity at work. With more energy one is more active, and with more activity one is more physically fit. With more brain power, a better chance at slimming down, and a more active life style there is no reason to skip breakfast.

Along with structuring of meals throughout the day one should structure each individual meal. In American culture one does not eat multiple courses like the rest of the world. This makes it harder to control portions and leads to overeating more frequently. Where as eating in multiple courses helps lengthen the meal, keep it diverse covering more food groups, and make it harder to overeat on any one thing being there less of it and more diversity. As for salad, in America it is common to eat it before a meal, where as the rest of the world eats a salad last to aid in the digestion process and cleanse the pallet right before a healthy coarse of fruit. The way one structures their meal is important for their health since it helps one to pace himself and ensures that he will get all the nutrients needed.

When one thinks of what lead Americans to this point they may blame the media or even our demanding lifestyle. Capitalism and media have become the American culture. It is common to see a 1950's family on T.V. sit down for dinner together after dad gets home from work, and eat their T.V. dinners. Today, its not only on T.V., it has become quite common for mom to come home too tired to cook, pop a couple frozen meals in the oven, hand them out to her family for them to run to their separate asylums eat, watch T.V., play video games and face-book. This makes them eat quickly to get back to their tasks and not enjoy their food, although there might not be much to enjoy. It may be Lean Cuisine they are eating but they are still more likely to be unhealthy then people who live the European lifestyle. If one were to walk down the streets of Rome, Paris, or Prague, they would have a hard time spotting an overweight local but no problem finding bakeries, Ice cream parlors, bars and restaurants all packed with costumers. Europeans just eat better altogether, even though their foods are richer, and fattier then our Lean Cuisines and Hot Pockets. So, whats the difference between us and them? The difference is that they go shopping everyday, not for frozen meals because those are hard to find, but for fresher wilder ingredients. Also, since they are only shopping for the day and the store is probably around the corner, a European is likely to walk and get some exercise, verses the American who takes one monthly trip to Costco and fills their Minivan with frozen foods that will last until the next trip. With better ingredients and a less demanding work life, a European has something to enjoy along with the time and energy to do so. In the end it is simply a difference in culture and America is either to far ahead or to far behind, either way one looks at it, how things are going, it's only downhill from here.

You are what, how and when you eat. So in order to be a proper member of society one needs to eat in a proper way. This means one should eat small meals regularly, structure their larger meals to incorporate more diverse foods and last but certainly not least, eat a healthy breakfast. With these guidelines set Americans can evolve into something better, say...Europeans.

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